
Gray Matters

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The butcher and lepidopterist Dec 30, 2012 Gray Matters A long time ago, I heard that my great uncle — he was only referred to as Uncle Sepp — collected butterflies. Someone in my family mentioned it. Only About.com WebMD and Mayo Clinic? Feb 11, 2011 Gray Matters Health information online—should we worry about hypochondriacs or rather hypocrisy? In the NYT Magazine, Virginia Heffernan offers a critical Superheros fight migraines wearing tinted goggles and Calvin Klein underwear Jan 28, 2011 Gray Matters Migraine in the US sports news—a great opportunity to raise awareness about this widespread disease. An opportunity missed for German players, who A deluxe brain feels no pain Jan 1, 2011 Gray Matters In Berlin, a new Collaborative Research Centre “Control of self-organizing nonlinear systems” is set up. One focus will be on mathematical Top down physiology Aug 7, 2010 Gray Matters Nature repeatedly reinvented certain control strategies shared among different body systems to maintain our physiological machinery. Each strategy Physiology organized by major body systems Aug 5, 2010 Gray Matters It may seems stubbornly self-centered, but it does make sense to organize physiology by the major human body systems. In fact in Europe, the minimum What is physiology? Aug 4, 2010 Gray Matters I am a physiologist. This is my outing in three parts. First, I will show that you cannot get easily an answer to What is physiology? In a second Math Matters, Apply It To Neurology Jan 30, 2010 Gray Matters Mathematics is as sharp as a scalpel and cuts brain malfunctioning into pieces. The first part of my title is copied from an awareness campaign of Migraine and Chaos Nov 25, 2009 Gray Matters Neural dynamics in the brain during migraine attacks is actually not chaotic but a self-organising pattern formation process. Chaos, that is, a Gray matters Nov 23, 2009 Gray Matters Theoretical physics and clinical neurology are as distant as black and white for you? Well, maybe. But than we need gray. Gray matters. June 11, I